Editorial Board




Zhang Biange

DSc in Philosophy, Professor, Beijing International Studies University, 2 North Xisanhuan Avenue, 10089 Beijing, China.

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Valentina V. Borisova

DSc in Philology, Leading Researcher, "Fyodor Dostoevsky's Memorial Apartment", Vladimir I. Dahl State Museum of the History of Russian Literature, Trubnikovsky Lane 17, 121069 Moscow, Russia. Professor, Moscow State Linguistic University, Ostozhenka 38/1, 119034 Moscow, Russia. Professor, M. Akmullah Bashkir State Pedagogical University, Oktiabrskaia revoliutsiia st. 3A, 450008 Ufa, Russia.

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Богданова ОА


Olga A. Bogdanova

DSc in Philology, Leading Researcher, Department of Russian Literature of the Late 19th – Early 20th Century, А.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Povarskaya 25 a, 121069 Moscow, Russia.

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Pavel E. Fokin

Ph.D. in Philology, Head of the Department "Fyodor Dostoevsky's Memorial Apartment", Vladimir I. Dahl State Museum of the History of Russian Literature, Trubnikovsky Lane 17, 121069 Moscow, Russia.

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Anastasia G. Gacheva

DSc in Philology, Head Researcher, Department of Contemporary Russian Literature and Literature of the Russian Diaspora, А.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Povarskaya 25 a, 121069 Moscow, Russia.

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Maria Candida Ghidini

DSc in Philology, Professor, Department of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Cultural Enterprises, University of Parma, San Michele st. 9, 43100 Parma, Italy. 

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Tatiana V. Kovalevskaya

DSc in Philosophy, Ph.D. in Philology (Yale University), Docent, Full Professor, European Languages Department, Institute of Linguistics, Russian State University for the Humanities,  Miusskaia Sq. 6,125993 Moscow, Russia.

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Alexander B. Krinitsyn

DSc in Philology, Associate Professor, Department of History of Russian Literature, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Leninskie gory 1, 119991 Moscow, Russia.

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Olga A. Meerson

DSc in Philology, Professor, Department of Slavic Languages, Georgetown University, 3700 O St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20057, USA.

E-mail: meerson@yandex-ru 




Vadim V. Polonsky

DSc in Philology, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of the A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Head of the Department of Russian Literature of the Late 19th – Early 20th Century, А.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Povarskaya 25 a, 121069 Moscow, Russia.

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Lyudmila I. Saraskina

DSc in Philology, Leading Researcher, State Institute for Art Studies, Kozitskii Lane 5, 125009 Moscow, Russia.

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Olga V. Sedelnikova

DSc in Philology, Professor, Department of Russian Language, Tomsk National Research State University, Lenin Ave 36, 634050 Tomsk, Russia.

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Natalia A. Tarasova

DSc in Philology, Leading Researcher, Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkin House) of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 4 Makarova emb., 199034 St. Petersburg, Russia.

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Boris N. Tikhomirov

DSc in Philology, Deputy Head for Research, Fyodor Dostoevsky Museum, Kuznechnyi Lane 5/2, 191002 St. Petersburg , Russia.

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Vladimir A. Viktorovich

DSc in Philology, Professor, Department of Russian Language and Literature, State Social and Humanitarian University, Zelenaia st. 30, 140411 Kolomna, Russia. 

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D.Sc. in Philology

Professor, Department of Russian Language and Literature

Vice President of the Russian Dostoevsky Society

Chairman of the Management Board for the Reserve Museum Darovoe


Selected Works


Lektsii po istorii russkoi literaturnoi kritiki ot XVIII do nachala XX veka [Lessons on the History of Russian Literary Criticism from 18th Century to the Beginning of 20th]. Kolomna, MGOSGI Publ., 2015. 288 p. (In Russ.)

- "Evgenii Onegin". Roman chitatelia [Evgeny Onegin. A Reader's Novel]. Nizhnyi Novgorod, NNGU Publ., 2017. 268 p. (In Russ.)

F.M. Dostoevskii - redaktor "Grazhdanina" [Fyodor Dostoevsky, Editor of the Grazhdanin]. Petrozavodsk, PetrGU Publ., 2019. 426 p. (In Russ.)


Selected Articles

- "Chernyshevskii N.G." ["Chernyshevsky N.G."]. Russkie pisateli 1800-1817. Biograficheskii slovar' [Russian Writers 1800-1817. Biographical Dictionary], vol. 6. St. Petersburg, Nestor-Istoriia Publ., 2019, pp. 628-638. (In Russ.)

- "'Byli by brat'ia...": M.M. Dostoevskii kak prototip Razumikhina" ["'Would the Brothers...' (M.M. Dostoevsky as a Prototype of Razumihin"]. Dostoevskii. Materialy i issledovaniia [Dostoevsky. Materials and Research], vol. 22, 2019, pp. 41-55. (In Russ.)

- "Tak zachem literatura v shkole?" ["So, Why Literature at School?"]. Literatura v shkole, no. 9, pp. 3-7. (In Russ.)


Scopus, Web of Science, VAK

- "Ia dumal, budet khuzhe". Darovoe v poiskakh autentichnosti" ["'I Thought It Would Be Worse.’ Darovoe in Search of Authenticity'."]. Dostoevskii i mirovaia kul'tura. Filologicheskii zhurnal, no. 1 (21), 2023, pp. 197-242. https://doi.org/10.22455/2619-0311-2023-1-197-242 (In Russ.)

- "'Skhvatka s Gradovskim': prichiny i sledstviia" ["'The Fight with Gradovsky': Causes and Consequences"]. Neizvestnyi Dostoevskii, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 131-161. DOI: 10.15393/j10.art.2022.6421 (In Russ.)

- "Effekt 'Pushkinskoi rechi' v russkoi zhurnalistike" ["The Effect of the Pushkin Speech in Russian Journals"]. Neizvestnyi Dostoevskii, vol. 8, no. 2, 2021, pp. 122-156. DOI: 10.15393/j10.art.2021.5362 (In Russ.)

- "'Vyiasnenie talanta' v polemike N.A. Dobroliubova s F.M. Dostoevskii" ["'Clarifying Talent' in the Polemic Between Dobrolyubov and Dostoevsky"]. Problemy istoricheskoi poetiki, vol. 18, no. 3, 2020, pp. 129-143. DOI: 10.15393/j9.art.2020.8042 (In Russ.)

- "'Pushkinskaya Rech' Dostoevskogo v svidetel'stvakh sovremennikov" ["Dostoevsky's Pushkin Speech in the Words of His Contemporaries"]. Neizvestnyi Dostoevskii, no. 4, 2020, pp. 48-69. (In Russ.)

- "'Mednyi vsadnik' v tvorchestve F.M. Dostoevskogo" ["The Bronze Horseman in Dostoevsky's Works"]. Problemy istoricheskoi poetiki, vol. 17, no. 3, 2019, pp. 7-22. (In Russ.)

- "Infantil'nost' 'fantastichnogo' 'Idiota'" ["The Infantilism of the 'Fantastic' Idiot"]. Neizvestnyi Dostoevskii: elektronnyi zhurnal, no. 1, 2018, pp. 3-19. (In Russ.)






D.Sc. in Philology



Research interests: Old Testament exegesis, Russian Orthodox liturgical poetics and musicology, Ilya Zdanevich, Andrei Platonov, Contemporary Russian women writers, 19th Century Russian Literature, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Nikolay Gogol’.


Selected Works



- Personalism as Poetics: the World of Fiction through Its Inhabitants' Eyes / Personalizm kak poetika. Literaturnyj mir glazami ego obitatelej. St. Petersburg, Russia: Pushkinskij dom, 2009. 432 p. In Russ./Eng.

- A Free Thing: the Poetics of Re-Familiarization in Andrei Platonov's Work, in Russian. Oakland, CA: Berkeley Slavic Specialties, 1997. Republished by Novosibirsk, Russia: Nauka, 2000. 121 p. In English.

Dostoevsky's Taboos. Dresden, Germany: Dresden University Press/ The Harriman Institute Series, Columbia U, 1998. 232 p. In English.



- Charles Homer Giblin, S.J. Apokalipsis: Otkrytaia kniga prorochestva (The Open Book of Revelation). Paris-Moscow: Symbol (Alexander Mossine, Ed.), 1994.



- "'Podrostok' kak vospitanie chuvstv" ["The Adolescent as Sentimental Education"]. Dostoevskii i mirovaia kul'tura. Filologicheskii zhurnal, no. 2 (14), 2021, pp. 18-36. https://doi.org/10.22455/2541-7894-2021-2-18-36 In Russ.

- "Bibleiskie podteksty u Dostoevskogo kak arbitry pri tolkovanii spornykh mest" ["Biblical Subtexts as Arbiters for Ambiguous Passages"]. Dostoevskii i mirovaia kul'tura. Filologicheskii zhurnal, no. 3 (7), 2019, pp. 34-51. https://doi.org/10.22455/2619-0311-2019-3-34-51 In Russ.

- "Istina kak chuzhoe slovo u Dostoevskogo" ["The Truth as a Different Word in Dostoevsky"]. Dostoevskii i mirovaia kul'tura. Al'manakh, no. 34, 2016, pp. 9-29. In Russ.

- "Avraam i Isaak - svideteli pokoiania Raskol'nikova" ["Abraham and Isaac, witnesses of Raskolnikov's Repentance"]. Dostoevskij i mirovaia kul'tura. Al'manakh, no. 30, part 2, 2013, pp. 9-26. In Russ. 

- Olga Meerson, Richard Pevear & Larissa Volokhonsky, trans. "The Liturgical Heritage of Father Alexander Schmemann". St. Vladimir's Theological Quarterly, no. 53, 3-Feb (2009), pp. 353-368. In English.

- "Liturgicheskoe nasledie prot. Aleksandra Shmemana" ["The Liturgical Heritage of Father Alexander Shmemann"]. Novaia Evropa, no. 20, 2008, pp. 108-119. In Russ.

- "Chetvertyi brat ili kozel otpushcheniia ex-machina?" ["The Fourth Brother or Scapegoat ex-machina?"]. Roman F.M. Dostoevskogo "Brat'ia Karamazovy": sovremennoe sostoianie izucheniia [Dostoevsky's Novel The Brothers Karamazov: Current State of Research], ed. by T.A. Kasatkina, Moscow, Nauka Publ., 2007, pp. 565-604. In Russ.

- "Khristos ili 'Kniaz'-Khristos'? Svidetel'stvo generala Ivolgina" ["Christ or 'Prince-Christ'? The Witness of General Ivolgin"]. Roman F.M. Dostoevskogo "Idiot": sovremennoe sostoianie izucheniia [Dostoevsky's Novel The Idiot: Current State of Research], ed. by T.A. Kasatkina, Moscow, Nasledie Publ., 2001, pp. 42-59. In English.

- "Andrei Platonov's Re-familiarization". Essays in Poetics. The Journal of the British Neo-Formalist Circle, no. 26, 2001, pp. 21-37. In English.

- "Ivolgin and Holbein: Non-Christ Risen vs. Christ Non-Risen". Slavic and East European Journal, no. 39 (2), 1995, pp. 200-213. In English.

D.Sc. in Philology

Associate Professor, Department of History of Russian Literature


Ph.D. Thesis: Forms of Confession in Dostoevsky's Novels (1996)


Dr. Hab. Thesis: Subjectology of Dostoevsky's Novels  (2017)


Research interests: Dostoevsky, Tyutchev, Chekhov, Pushkin, Problems of Poetics in Russian Novels, Comparative Literature: Interaction between Russian and European Literature.


Selected works



- Ispoved' podpolnogo cheloveka. K antropologii F.M. Dostoevskogo [The Confession of the Man from the Underground. About Fyodor Dostoevsky's Anthropology]. Moscow, 2001. In Russ.

Siuzhetologiia romanov F.M. Dostoevskogo [Subjectology of Dostoevsky's Novels]. Moscow, 2017. In Russ.



- "Problema 'vyrozhdeniia' u Chekhova i Maksa Nordau" ["The Problem of 'Degeneration' in Chekhov and Max Nordau"]. Chekhov i Germaniia, Moscow, 1996.

- "Pushkin i Zhul' Zhanen" ["Pushkin and Jules Janin"]. Rossiiskii literaturovedcheskii zhurnal, no. 8, 1996.

- "Dostojevskij in Rußland heute". (Vortrag in den Rahmen Studium generale). F.M. Dostojewski Dichter, Denker, Visionär. Tübingen, 1998.

- "O printsipe postroeniia sistemy personazhei 'Malen'kikh tragedii' Pushkina" [About the Constructive Principle of the Characters in Pushkin's 'Little Tragedies'"]. Pushkin i russkaia dramaturgiia, Moscow, 2000.

- "Tema rytsarstva v lirike A. Bloka v ee sviazi s tvorchestvom R. Vagnera" ["The Theme of Chivarly in A. Blok's Lyric and Its Relation with Wagner's Works"]. Rikhard Vagner v Rossii, Tübingen, 2001.

- "O spetsifike vizual'nogo mira i semantike videnii v romane Dostoevskogo 'Idiot'" ["About the Peculiarities of the Visual World and the Semantic of Seeing in Dostoevsky's Novel The idiot"]. Roman Dostoevskogo "Idiot": sovremennoe sostoianie izucheniia, Moscow, 2001.

- "Obraz Khromonozhki v perspektive motivnoi struktury romanov Dostoevskogo" [The Image of the Lame Woman in the Perspective of the Structure of Motifs in Dostoevsky's Novels]. Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Ser. 9, Filologiia, no. 3, 2010.

- "Romanticheskie motivy v poeme Nekrasova 'Moroz, Krasnyi nos'" ["Romantic Motifs in Nekrasov's Poem 'Frost, Red Nose'"]. Pamiati Anny Invanovny Zhuravlevoi, Moscow, 2012.


D.Sc. in Philology

Deputy Head for Research, Fyodor Dostoevsky Museum

President of the Russian Dostoevsky Society

Editor-in-Chief of "Dostoevskii i mirovaia kul'tura. Almanakh".


Ph.D. Thesis: The Creative History of Dostoevsky's Novel Crime and Punishment (1986)


Selected Works



- "Lazar'! Griadi von". Roman F.M. Dostoevskogo "Prestuplenie i nakazanie" v sovremennom prochtenii. Kniga-kommentarii ["Lazarus, Come Out" A Contemporary Reading of Dostoevsky's Novel Crime and Punishment. Book-Commentary]. Saint Petersburg, Serebriannyi vek Publ., 2005. 472 p. In Russ.

Peterburgskie adresa Dostoevskogo, ili Peshkom vokrug Vladimirskogo sobora: Putevoditel' [Dostoevsky's Addresses in Peterburg, or On Foot Around St. Vladimir's Cathedral]. Photographies by V.V. Urzhumtsev. Saint Petersburg, Serebriannyi vek Publ., 2009. 36 p. In Russ.

- Musina, M.Sh., and Boris Tikhomirov. Chokan Balikhanov v Sankt-Peterburge [Chokan Balikhanov in Saint Petersburg]. Saint Petersburg, Serebriannyi vek Publ., 2009. 68 p. In Russ.

- Dostoevskii na Kuznechnom: Daty. Sobytiia. Liudi [Dostoevsky at Kuznechnyi: Dates. Events. People]. Saint Petersburg, Kuznechnyi pereulok Publ., 2012. 224 p. In Russ.



- "Dostoevskii, A.P. Filosofa, A.L. Borovikovskii i 'Protsess 50-ti'" ["Dostoevsky, A.P. Filosofa, A.L. Borovikovsky, and the 'Process of the 50'"]. Russkaia literatura, no. 3, 2011, pp. 68-80. In Russ.

- "Drugoi Svidrigailov: neosushchestvelnnyi zamysel Dostoevskogo nachala 11867 goda (nabliudeniia i gipotezy)" ["The Other Svidrigailov: Dostoevsky's Unfulfilled Plot of Early 1867 (Observations and Hypotheses)"]. Tri veka russkoi literatury: Aktual'nye aspekty izucheniia: Mezhvuzovskoi sbornik nauchnykh trudov [Three Centuries of Russian Literature: Relevant Aspects of Research: Inter-Universities Collected Works], St. Petersburg, Moscow-Irkutsk 2011, pp. 141-152. In Russ.

- "Neosuschchestvlennyi zamysel romana 'Ateizm' v kontekste tvorcheskoi evoliutsii Dostoevskogo vtoroi poloviny 1860-kh godov" ["The Unrealized Plan for the Novel Atheism in the Context of Dostoevsky's Creative Development in the Second Half of the 1860s"]. Tri veka russkoi literatury: Aktual'nye aspekty izucheniia: Mezhvuzovskoi sbornik nauchnykh trudov [Three Centuries of Russian Literature: Relevant Aspects of Research: Inter-Universities Collected Works], St. Petersburg, Moscow-Irkutsk 2011, pp. 153-160. In Russ.

- "Liubit' Dostoevskogo: Anna Grigor'evna Dostoevskaia i ee vospominaniia" ["Loving Dostoevsky. Anna Gregorevna Dostoevskaya and Her Memories"]. Dostoevskaia A.G. Vospominaniia [Dostoevskaya A.G. Memoirs]. Ed. by B.N. Tikhomirov, I.S. Irysheva. St.Petersburg, Azbuka Publ., 2011, pp. 5-32. Co-authored with I.S. Iirysheva. In Russ.

- "'Sibirskaia mozaika': iz noveishikh kommentariev k Dostoevskomu" ["'Siberian Mosaic': From the Newest Commentaries on Dostoevsky"]. Obraz Sibirii v publitsistike, literature i fol'klore XIX-XXI vv. [The Image of Siberia in Journalism, Literature, and Folklore in 19th and 21st Centuries], Conference Proceedings, Irkutsk, 1-2 Oct. 2010. Irkutsk, 2011, pp. 8-22. In Russ.

- "Neosushchestvlennyi zamysel Dostoevskogo 'Kashkadamov' (materialy k gipoteze)" ["Dostoevsky's Unrealized Plan Kashkadamov (Materials for an Hypothesis)"]. Dostoevskii i sovremennost' [Dostoevsky and Contemporary Age], Conference Proceedings, XXVI International Readings in Staraya Russa, 2011. Velikii Novgorod, 2012, pp. 374-378. In Russ.

- "Neskol'ko slov po povodu vystupleniia K. Stepaniana" ["Some Words on K. Stepanyan's Presentation"]. Dostoevskii i mirovaia kul'tura. Almanakh, no. 29, 2012, pp. 217-227. In Russ.

D.Sc. in Philology


Member of the Russian Dostoevsky Society (from 2002)

Member of the International Dostoevsky Society (from 2013)

Expert of the Russian Council for School Literary Olympic Games


Research interests: 19th-Century Russian Literature (Esthetics, Poetics, Philosophy, Styles), Apollon Maykov, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Comparative Literature, Russian-European Literary Relations and Problems of Literary Translation, History of Arts, Synthesis and Dialogue Between Arts.


Selected Works


F.M. Dostoevsky i kruzhok Maikovykh [Fyodor Dostoevsky and the Maikov Circle]. Tomsk, TPU Publ., 2006. 275 p. In Russ.



- "Peizazh kak zhanr sovremennoi zhivopisi v khudozhestvennoi kritike A.N. Maikova" ["Landscape as a Genre of Modern Painting in A.N. Maikov's Art Criticism"]. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Kul'turologia i iskusstvovedenie, no. 34, 2019, pp. 61-72. In Russ.

- "O vozmozhnykh publikatsiiakh A.N. Maikova v zhurnale F.M. Dostoevskii 'Grazhdanin'." ["On the Possible A.N. Maikov's Publications in 'Grazhdanin' of F.M. Dostoevsky"].  Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Filologia, no. 51, 2018, p. 189-205. In Russ.

- (co-authored with Bulgakova, N.O.) "Kontseptosfera romana F.M. Dostoevskogo 'Besy': k opredeleniiu bazovogo kontsepta i ego funktsii v poetike romana" ["The Sphere of Concepts of the Novel The Devils by F.M. Dostoevsky: on Revealing the Main Concept and its Function in the Poetics of the Book"]. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Filologiia, no. 52, 2018, pp. 189-205. In Russ.

- "'... u nas net literatury khudozhestv' (A.N. Maikov): k voprosu o sostoianii rossiiskoi khudozhestvennoi kritiki 1840-nachala 1850-kh gg. Stat'ia vtoraia. Novye veiania o russkoi literaturnoi kritike" ["'We have no Literature of Art' (A. N. Maikov): on the State of Russian Art Criticism in the 1840s - Early 1850s. Article Two: New Trends in Russian Art Criticism of the 1840s - Early 1850s"]. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, no. 422, 2017, pp. 32-39. In Russ.

- "Literatura i zhivopis' v khudozhestvennoi kritike A.N. Maikova. Stat'ia pervaia. Osnovy sblizhenia slovesnogo i izobrazitel'nogo iskusstv v kriticheskom nasledii A.N. Maikova" ["Literature and Pictorial Art in A.N. Maikov''s Artistic Criticism. Article One: The Ground for Oral Lore and Pictorial Art Rapprochement in A.N. Maikov's Critical Legacy"]. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Filologia, no. 3 (41), 2016, pp. 156-169. In Russ.

D.Sc. in Philology

Leading Researcher


Ph.D. Thesis: The Development of Narrative Forms in Dostoevsky's Work (1976)

Dr. Hab. Thesis: The Devils: a novel-warning (1993)


Research interests: 19th and 21st-Century Russian Literature, Fyodor Dostoevsky's Life and Works, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's Life and Works, Writers' Biography, History of Social Thought, Literature and Cinema, Film Adaptation of Literary Classics.


Selected Works


- "Ne mechem, a dukhom" (Russkaia literatura o voine i mire) ["Not by Sword, but by Spirit" (Russian Literature about War and Peace]. Moscow, Znanie Publ., 1989. 64 p. In Russ.

- "Besy": roman-preduprezhdenie [The Devils: a Novel-Warning]. Moscow, Sovetskii Pisatel' Publ., 1990. 480 p. In Russ.

- Vosliublennaia Dostoevskogo. Apollinariia Suslova: biografiia v dokumentakh, pis'makh, materialakh [Dostoevsky's Lover. Apollinaria Suslova: a Biography in Documents, Letters, Materials]. Moscow, Soglasie Publ., 1994. 456 p. In Russ.

- Fedor Dostoevskii. Odolenie Demonov [Fyodor Dostoevsky. Overcoming Demons]. Moscow, Soglasie Publ., 1996. 464 p. In Russ.

- Nikolai Speshnev. Nesbyvshaiasia sud'ba [Nikolay Speshnev- Unfulfilled Destiny]. Moscow, Nash dom Publ., L'Age d'Homme Publ., 2000. 536 p. In Russ.

Dostoevskii v sozvuchiiakh i pritiazheniiakh (ot Pushkina do Solzhenitsyna) [Dostoevsky in Consonances and Gravitation (from Pushkin to Solzhenitsyn]. Moscow, Russkii put' Publ., 2006. 608 p. In Russ.

- Balashov Nikolai, and Liudmila Saraskina. Sergej Fudel': Messaggi dal km 101. Milano, La Casa di Matriona, 2007. 275 p. In Russ.

- Fiodor Dostoïevski. Une Victoire sur les Démons. Traslated by Bruno Bisson. Laussanne–Paris, L'Age d'Homme, 2008. 382 p. In French.

- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. Moscow, Molodaia Gvardiia Publ, 2008. 935 p. In Russ.

- Nepreodalennoe. Dialogi dvukh desiatiletii [Insurmountable. Dialogues of Two Decades]. Iasnaia Poliana, Iasnaia Poliana Publ., 2009. 151 p. In Russ.



- "Arkadii Dolgorukii v kino i na stsene: debiutnyie resheniia" ["Arkady Dolgoruky in Cinema and Theatre: Debut Decisions"]. Dostoevskii i mirovaia kul'tura. Filologicheskii zurnal, no. 2 (14), 2021, pp. 192-223. https://doi.org/10.22455/2541-7894-2021-2-192-223 In Russ.

- "Soljénitsyne et Dostoīevski". Soljénitsyne et la France. Une œuvre et un message toujours vivants, Sous la direction de Georges Nivat, Paris: Fayard, 2021, pp. 113-130. In French.

- "Byli i nebylitsy v seriale o 'nekhrestomatiinom Dostoevskom'" ["Truths and Lies in the Series about 'Dostoevsky Out of the Textbook"]. Neizvestnyi Dostoevskii. Elektronnyi nauchnyi zhurnal, no. 4, 2020, pp. 70-105. In Russ.

- "Kategoriia chelovechnosti i serdechnosti v khudozhestvennoi filosofii F.M. Dostoevskogo" ["The Category of Humanity and Cordiality in the Artistic Philosophy of F.M. Dostoevsky"]. Dostoevskii: filosofskoe myshlenie, vzgliad pisatelia [Dostoevsky: Philosophical Thought, View of a Writer]Ed. by Stefano Aloe. Saint Petersburg, Dmitrii Bulanin Publ., 2012, pp. 423-436. In Russ.

- "Russkie pisateli, soslannye v Sredniuiu Aziiu: F.M. Dostoevskii, A.I. Solzhenitsyn" ["Russian Writers exiled to Central Asia: F.M. Dostoevsky, A.I. Solzhenitsyn"]. Rossiiskoe istoriko-kul'turnoe nasledie. Nauchnoe izdaniie. Issue 8. Orel, 2012, pp. 159-176. In Russ.

- "Masskul't: besspornyi angazhment dlia istoricheskoi temy" ["Masscult: a Perpetual Engagement for a Historical Theme"]. Vysokoe i nizkoe v kudozhestvennoi kul'ture. Vol. 2. Ed. by Iu.A. Bogomolov. Nestor-Istoriia Publ., 2013, pp. 38-84. In Russ.

D.Sc. in Philosophy



Ph.D. Thesis: The Problem of Spiritual Renewal of Man in Dostoevsky's Novel The Brothers Karamazov (2006).


Research interests: Russian Literature, Dostoevsky's Works.


Selected Works:



- Sistema dirskursa dukhovnogo vozrozhdeniia: o tvorchestve F.M. Dostoevskogo [The Discourse System of Spiritual Resurrection: about Dostoevsky's Work]. Peking University Press, 2013. In Russ.



- Ponomareva G.B. "Ya zanimaius' etoi tainoi" ["I Deal with this Mistery"]. Shanvu Publ., 2010.

- Sovremennoe issledovanie Dostoevskogo za rubezhom [Current Research on Dostoevsky in the World]. Pechin, Pechin University Publ., 2014.



- "Fantasy Love and Practical Love: On Dostoevsky's Later Creation". Foreign Literature Review, no. 2, 2009, pp. 82-91.

- "From children's world to children of the world: On Dostoevsky's later creation". Foreign Literature Studies, no.4, 2009, pp. 19-27.

- "Realism in the highest sense: On Dostoevsky's Transcendental Perspective and Complicated Text World". Russian Literature & Arts, no.1, 2009, pp.39-44.

- "The Prospect of Arrogation and Blind Nihilism: The Images of Nihilists in Dostoevsky's Novel The Demons". Russian Literature & Arts, no.1, 2014, pp.16-21.

- "The Innocent Desire: On the Construction Strategy of Ideological Discourse in Bunin's Love Stories". Foreign Literature, no.3, 2016, pp. 31-40.

D.Sc. in Philology

Leading Researcher



Ph.D. Thesis: Dostoevsky's Novel The Brothers Karamazov and Their Relation with Folk Poetical Thinking (1980)


Dr.Hab Thesis: National and Religious elements in Fyodor Dostoevsky's Works: the Question on Etnoconfessional Synthesis (1997)


Research interests: History of 19th-Century Russian Literature, Fyodor Dostoevsky's Life and Works.


Professional services: 

Organization of International and Regional conferences on Sergey T. Aksakov's work.


Distinctions and Awards:

Honorary employee of the Russian higher education system.


Selected Works



- Natsional'noe i religioznoe v tvorchestve F.M. Dostoevskogo: problema etnokonfessional'nogo sinteza [National and Religious Elements in Fyodor Dostoevsky's Works: the Question on Etnoconfessional Synthesis]. Ufa, 1997. 197 p. (In Russ.)

Malaia proza F.M. Dostoevskogo: printsip emblemy [Dostoevsky's Minor Prose: the Principle of the Emblem]. Ufa, 2012, 144 p. (In Russ.)


Scopus, Web of Science, VAK

- "Terminologicheskii tezaurus evangel'skogo teksta F.M. Dostoevskogo" ["Terminological Thesaurus of the Gospel Text by F. M. Dostoevsky"]. Neizvestnyi Dostoevskii, vol. 9, no. 2, 2022, pp. 117–136. (In Russ.)
DOI: 10.15393/j10.art.2022.6122 (with Shaulov S.S.)

- "'Dvizhushchaiasia mera' v kontseptsii istoricheskoi poetiki A.V. Mikhailova" ["“Moving Measure” in the Concept of Historical Poetics by A.V. Mikhailov"]. Problemy istoricheskoi poetiki, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 357–373. (In Russ.) DOI: 10.15393/j9.art.2021.10122 (with M.V. Zagidullina)

- "Evangel'skii tekst v russkoi literature i Dostoevskii: itogi i perspektivy izucheniia" ["The Evangelical Text in Russian Literature and Dostoevsky: Results and Perspective of Research"]. Problemy istoricheskoi poetiki, vol. 18, no. 4, 2020, pp. 186-208. (In Russ.)

- "'Chervonnyi balet' A.T. Neofitov iz okruzheniia F.M. Dostoevskii" ["A.T. Neofitov's 'Jack of Hearts' from the Environment of F.M. Dostoevsky"]. Neizvestnyi Dostoevskii, no. 1, 2020, pp. 156-167. (In Russ.)

- "Fabula bogatyrskogo protivoborstva v russkoi slovestnosti: ot 'Skazania o Mamaevom poboishche' do 'Sud'by cheloveka' M.A. Sholokhova" ["The Plot of the Heroic Confrontation in Russian Literature: from 'The Legend of the Mamaev Massacre' to 'The Fate of Man' by M. A. Sholokhov"]. Problemy istoricheskoi poetiki, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 47-60. (In Russ.)

- "Epistoliarii F.M. Dostoevskogo perioda katorgi i ssylki: kod spaseniia" ["Fyodor Dostoevsky's Correspondance during the Hard Works and in Exile: Code of Salvation"]. Filologicheskii klass, no. 1 (55), 2019, pp. 23-27. (In Russ.)

- "Motiv 'rokovogo nasledstva' v romane F.M. Dostoevskogo 'Idiot': real'nyi, mifopoeticheskii i istoriko-literaturnyi kommentarii" ["The Motiv of 'Fatal Heritage' in Dostoevsky's Novel The Idiot: Real, Mithopoetical, Historical and Literary Commentary"]. Problemy istoricheskoi poetiki, vol. 17, no. 3, 2019, pp. 106-128. (In Russ.)

- "Nravstvennye i iuridicheskie aspekty 'kumaninskogo dela'" ["Moral and Juridical Aspects of the 'Kumanin Case'"]. Neizvestnyi Dostoevskii, no. 1, 2019, pp. 46-68. (In Russ.)

- "'Delo o kumaninskom nasledstve' v zhizni i tvorchestve F.M. Dostoevskogo" ["'The Case of the Kumanin Heritage" in Dostoevsky's Life and Work"]. Neizvestnyi Dostoevskii, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 32-43. (In Russ.)

Ph.D. in Philology

Head of the Department "Fyodor Dostoevsky’s Memorial Apartment", Vladimir I. Dahl State Museum of the History of Russian Literature


Ph.D. Thesis: The Structure and Image of the Author in Dostoevsky's A Writer's Diary 1876-1877 (1995)


Research interests: History of Russian Literature, Dostoevsky, Rozanov, Zinoviev.


Selected Works



Aleksandr Zinov'ev. Prometei Otvernutyi [Alexandr Zinov'ev. Reverted Prometheus]Moscow, Molodaia Gvardiia Publ., 2016. 749 p. (In Russ.)

Dostoevskii. Pereprochtenie [Dostoevsky. Re-Reading]. St. Petersburg, Amfora Publ., 2013. 288 p. (In Russ.)


Scopus, Web of Science

- "Zabytye vospominaniia o F.M. Dostoevskom v sobranii A.G. Dostoevskoi" ["Forgotten Memoirs about F.M. Dostoevsky in the Collection of A.G. Dostoevskaya"]. Neizvestnyi Dostoevskii, vol. 8, no. 3, 2021, pp. 136-155. (In Russ.) DOI: 10.15393/j10.art.2021.5601

- "Chetyre portreta bez retushki" ["Four Portraits without Retouching"]. Neizvestnyi Dostoevskii. Elektronnyi zhurnal, 2020, pp. 97-113. (In Russ.)

- "Puskinskaia rech' Dostoevskogo kak sobytie (po materialam rukopisnogo fonda Gosudarstvennogo muzeia istorii rossiiskoi literatury im. V.A. Dalia)" ["Dostoevsky's Pushkin Speech as an Event (Based on Materials of the Manuscript Fund of the Vladimir I. Dahl State Museum of the History of Russian Literature"]. Neizvestnyi Dostoevskii. Elektronnyi zhurnal, no. 2, 2020, pp. 162-195. (In Russ.)

- "Molodoi Dostoevskii v vospominaniiakh E. Rizenkampfa (po materialam rukopisnogo fonda Gosudarstvennogo muzeia istorii rossiiskoi literatury im. V.A. Dalia)" ["Young Dostoevsky in E. Rizenkampf's Memories (Based on Materials of the Manuscript Fund of theVladimir I. Dahl State Museum of the History of Russian Literature)"]. Neizvestnyi Dostoevskii. Elektronnyi zhurnal, no. 1, 2019, pp. 30-45. (In Russ.)

- "Telegrammy raznykh lits k A.G. Dostoevskoi s soboleznovaniiami v sviazi so smert'iu F.M. Dostoevskogo (iz rukopisnogo fonda Gosudarstvennogo muzeia istorii rossiiskoi literatury im. V.A. Dalia)" [Telegrams to Anna Dostoevskaya with Condolences on the Death of Fyodor Dostoevsky (from the Manuscript Fund of the Vladimir I. Dahl State Museum of the History of Russian Literature)"]. Neizvestnyi Dostoevsky. Elektronnyi zhurnal, no. 2, 2018, pp. 45-68. (In Russ.)




D.Sc. in Philology

Associate Professor, Leading Researcher

Member of the International Dostoevsky Society

Member of the Editorial Board of the scientific journal "The Problems of Historical Poetics".

Supervisor and executor of research projects funded by the Russian Humanistic Science Foundation, the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, and the Russian Science Foundation.

Leader of the Dostoevsky research team at Pushkin House.


Research interests: Textual criticism, Dostoevsky's work, History of the Russian literature, History of 19th-Century Russian literary language.


Selected Publications



"Dnevnik pisatel'ia" F.M. Dostoevskii za 1876-1877 gody. Kritika teksta [A Writer’s Diary of 1876—1877 by F. М. Dostoevsky. Textual Criticism]. Moscow, Quadriga Publ., 2011. 392 p. In Russ.

- Khristianskaia tema v romane F.M. Dostoevskogo 'Prestuplenie i nakazanie': problemy izucheniia [The Religious Theme in Dostoevsky’s novel Crime and Punishment: Research Questions]. Moscow, Quadriga Publ., 2015. 192 p. In Russ.


Scopus, Web of Science

- "'Vorskresenie' i "voskreshenie' v romane F.M. Dostoevskogo 'Prestuplenie i nakazanie'" ["Voskresenie and voskreshenie in Dostoevsky's Novel Crime and Punishment"]. Problemy istoricheskoi poetiki, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 190-216. In Russ.

- "Problemy podgotovki real'nogo kommentariia (na materiale romana F.M. Dostoevskogo 'Idiot')" ["Questions concerning the Realization of Real Commentary (Based on the Materials of Dostoevsky's Novel The Idiot"]. Problemy istoricheskoi poetiki, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 149-185. In Russ.

- "Problemy izucheniia rabochikh tetradei F.M. Dostoevskogo v biograficheskom kontekste" ["Research Problems about Dostoevsky's Preparatory Materials in the Biographical Context"]. Russkaia literatura, no. 3, 2019, pp. 103-110. In Russ.

- "Tsifrovoi arkhiv Dostoevskogo: problemy publikatsii rukopisnogo teksta v elektronnom izdanii" ["Dostoevsky's Digital Archive: the Problems of Publishing Manuscripts in Electronic Editions"]. Filologicheskie nauki, no. 2, 2019, pp. 81-91. In Russ.

- "Problemy izucheniia rukopisnogo i pechatnogo teksta romana 'Idiot'" ["Problems in Researching Manuscripts and Printed Texts of the Novel The Idiot"]. Dostoevskii i mirovaia kul'tura. Filologicheskii zhurnal, no. 2, 2018, pp. 10-43. In Russ.

- "Graficheskie osobennosti rukopisei Dostoevskogo: materialy dlia informatsionnoi bazy dannykh" ["Graphical Peculiarities of Dostoevsky's Manuscripts: Materials for an Information Database"]. Neizvestnyi Dostoevskii, no. 4, 2018, pp. 17-69. Coauthored with T.V. Paniukova and M.V. Zavarkina. In Russ.

- "Kritika teksta i problema 'trudnykh chtenii' (na materiale chernovykh zapisei 1864-1865 godov)" ["Textual Criticism and the Problem of the 'Difficult Reading' (Based on the Drafts of 1864-1865)"]. Russkaia literatura, no. 4, 2017, pp. 51-61. In Russ.

- "Frantsuzskii iazyk v romane F.M. Dostoevskogo 'Podrostok': Tekstologicheskie aspekty issledovaniia (na materiale rabochikh tetradei)" ["French Language in Dostoevsky's Novel The Adolescent: Textological Aspects of Research (Based on the Draft Materials)"]. Russkaia literatura, no. 4, 2016, pp. 229-233. In Russ.


Teaching Experience

Author and co-author of electronic courseware for Bachelors in Textology and electronic courseware for Masters in Philology (Textology problems in Russian classical literature), textbooks, programmes, lecture courses in Russian literature history, history of Russian journalism, literary editing, etc.

Director IWL RAS

D.Sc. in Philology

Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Chairman of IWL RAS Academic Council

Member of the Dissertation Councils at IWL RAS and RSUH


Education: Graduated with honors from Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Philology in 1994. Qualification: Philologist; Teacher of Russian language and literature; Teacher of French at secondary, secondary vocational, and higher education institutions.


Ph.D. Thesis: The Biographical Genre in the Works of Dmitry S. Merezhkovsky in the 1920s-1930s (1998)

Dr.Hab. Thesis: Mythopoetic Aspects of Genre Evolution in Russian Literature at the End of the 19th - Beginning of the 20th Centuries


Research interests: Russian Literature of the Late 19th – Early 20th Century, Comparative Studies, Theory of Literature, Literature and Philosophy, Poetics of Genres, Literary Neomythology.


Professional Services

Editor-in-Chief of the journal Izvestia RAN (series "Literary and Language").

Chief Editor, Complete Works of A.M. Gorky (Letters).

Member of the Editorial Board, Complete Works of Alexander Blok.

Member of the Editorial Board, Complete Works of Leonid Andreev.

Head of the Academic Council at IWL RAS.

Member of the Dissertation Councils of IWL RAS and Russian State University for the Humanities.

Member of the Expert Council of the Higher Accreditation Committee (VAK) of the Russian Federation for Philology and Arts (until January 2016; left the Council because of the appointment as Director of IWL RAS).

Member of the Expert Group in Literature and Arts at the Scientific Council of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

Accredited Expert of the Federal Register of Academic and Technical Expert Reviewers at RAS.

Reviewer for the Russian Scientific Fund.

Co-Chair of the Expert Committee in Literature at the Russian Council of the "Olympiads" for high schools.


Distinctions and Awards

Honorary Professor of the South-Western University of China.

Grant holder of the Russian President Foundation for the support of young scholars (2011–2012).

Winner of the contest of the Foundation for the Promotion of National Science in the nomination PhDs and Doctors Hab. of RAS (2006).


Selected Works



- Mezhdu traditsiei i moderniznom. Russkaia literatura rubezha XIX-XX vekov [Between Tradition and Modernism. Russian Literature at the Turn of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries: History, Poetics, and Context]. Мoscow, IWL RAS Publ., 2011. 472 p. In Russ.

- Mifopoetika i dinamika zhanra v russkoi literature kontsa XIX-nachala XX veka [Mythopoetics and Dynamics of the Genre Development in Russian Literature at the Turn of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries]. Мoscow, IWL RAS Publ., 2008. 285 p. In Russ.


Curatorial Works

- Perelom 1917 goda: revoliutsionnyi kontekst russkoi literatury [The 1917 Rupture: The Revolutionary Context of Russian Literature]. Мoscow, IWL RAS Publ., 2017. 864 p. In Russ.

- Russkaia revoliutsiia 1917 goda v literaturnykh istochnikakh i dokumentakh [The October Revolution in Literary Texts and Documents]. Мoscow: IWL RAS Publ., 2017. 440 p. In Russ.

- Literaturnaya zhizn'. Stat'i. Publikatskii. Memuary. Pamiati A.Iu. Galushkina [Literary Life. Essays. Publications. Memoir. In Memory of Alexander Yu. Galushkin]. “Literary Legacy” Series. Issue 1. Co-edited with Mikhail P. Odessky, Monica L. Spivak. Мoscow, IWL RAS Publ., 2017. 400 p. In Russ.

- Russkaia literatura v zerkalakh mirovoi kultury: retseptsiia, perevody, interpretatsii [Russian Literature in the Mirrors of the World Culture: Reception, Translations, Interpretation]. Co-edited with Alexander Kudelin and Marya Nadyarnikh. Moscow, IWL RAS Publ., 2015. 974 p. In Russ.

- Politika i poetika: russkaia literatura v istoriko-kul'turnom kontekste Pervoi mirovoi voiny. Publikatsii, issledovaniia i materialy. [Politics and Poetics: Russian Literature in the Historical and Cultural Context of World World I]. Moscow, IWL RAS Publ., 2014. 880 p. In Russ.

- Russkaia publitsistika i periodika epokhi Pervoi mirovoi voiny: politika i poetika. Issledovaniia i materialy [Russian Journalism and Periodical Literature in the Time of the WWI: Politics and Poetics]. Moscow, IWL RAS Publ., 2014. 600 p. In Russ.

- Poetika russkoi literatury kontsa XIX-nachala XX veka. Dinamika zhanra: obshchie problemy. Proza [Poetics of Russian Literature at the Turn of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. Dynamics of the Genre. General Issues. Fiction]. Co-edited with V.A. Keldysh. Moscow, IWL RAS Publ., 2009. 832 p. In Russ.

- Russkaia literatura kontsa XIX-nachala XX veka v zerkale sovremennoi nauki [Russian Literature at the Turn of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries in the Mirror of Contemporary Research]. In the Honor of V.A. Keldysh. Co-edited with Oleg А. Lekmanov. Мoscow, IWL RAS Publ., 2008. 415 p. In Russ.


Scopus, Web of Science

- 瓦基姆·波隆斯基;刘文飞 作为“阐释病”的经院派文艺学—兼论学科界线的悖论性 "Scholastic Literary Studies as a 'Disease of Interpretation', and Ambiguous Boundaries of the Discussions about Science". 文艺研究, Literature & Art Studies, Beijing, no. 8, 2016, pp. 26-30. http://www.cqvip.com/QK/80444X/201608/669704204.html Сo-authored with Lu Venfey. In Chinese.

- "The Academic History of Literature and Art as a ‘Disease of Interpretation’: on the Paradoxical Nature of Interdisciplinary Boundaries". Social Sciences in China, vol. 37, no. 3, 2016, pp. 168–174. In English.

- "Boris Eikhenbaum i Pol' Klodel': k voprosu o retseptsii simbolistskoi misterii v Rossii" ["Boris Eichenbaum and Paul Claudel: On the Reception of Symbolist Mystery in Russia"]. Russkaya Literatura, vol. 3, 2015, pp. 227–234. In Russ.

- "On the Principles of Structuring the History of Russian Literature of the Late Nineteenth and First Half of the Twentieth Centuries". Social Sciences, vol. 41, no. 1, 2010, pp. 62–71. In English.

- "Between Metaphysics, History, and Politics: Religious Mythology in the Late Literary Works of Dmitry Merezhkovsky". Social Sciences, vol. 37, no. 3, 2006, pp. 33–44. In English.

- "Vzgliad na stolietie sto let spustia, ili Gogol' v 1909 godu: vekovoi iubilei pisatelia po materialam russkikh gazet" ["Looking at the Centenary a Century Later, or Gogol in 1909: The Writer's Centenary according to the Russian Newspapers"]. Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, no. 3 (103), 2010, pp. 152-163. In Russ.

- "Ironiia Chekova: mezhdu klassikoi i 'serebrianym vekom'" ["Chekov's Irony between Classics and the Silver Age"]. Novyi filologicheskii vestnik, no. 3 (10), 2009, pp. 69-75. In Russ.


Teaching experience

Vladimir Polonsky taught at Lomonosov Moscow State University, St. Tikhon Orthodox University for Humanities; from 2004 to 2016 worked as a Professor at the Department of Russian Classical Literature of the Russian State University for the Humanities. Held lectures in the UK, France, Italy, Spain, and China.

D.Sc. in Philosophy

Ph.D. in Philology (Yale University)

Docent, Full Professor

Member of the International Dostoevsky Society

Member of the International League of Translators (Russia)

Member of the Dissertation Council in Cultural Studies of HSE University.



Research interests: Cultural Studies, Russian and English Literature.


Selected Works:


- Mifologicheskii transgumanizm v russkoi literature: Dostoevskii i Serebrianyi vek [Mithological Transhumanism in Russian Literature: Dostoevsky and the Silver Age]. Moscow, RGGU Publ., 2018. In Russ.

- Chelovek geroicheskii v angliiskoi literature [Heroic People in English Literature]. St. Petersburg, Dmitrii Bulanin Publ., 2012. 373 p. In Russ.

- Samoobozhenie v evropeiskoi kul'ture [Auto-Deification in European Culture]. St. Petersburg, Dmitrii Bulanin Publ., 2011. 351 p. In Russ.

- Buzina, T.V. Dostoevskii. Dinamika sud'by i svobody [Dostoevsky. The Dynamic of Destiny and Freedom]. Moscow, RGGU Publ., 2011. 352 p. In Russ.

- Buzina, Tatyana. Dostoevsky and Social and Metaphysical Freedom. The Edwin Mellen Press, 2003. In English.



- Dostoevskii o dostoinstve cheloveka - Dostoevsky on the Dignity of the Human Person. St. Petersburg, Dmitrii Bulanin Publ., 2020. 368 p. In Russ./Eng.



- Dostoevskii: Poisk formy. Filosofiia iskusstva pisatel'ia. By R.L. Jackson. St. Petersburg, Dmitrii Bulanin Publ., 2020. 288 p.

- Chernaya ten'. By S. De Castell. Moscow, Eksmo Publ., 2018.

- The Tiger in the Land of Morning Calm. By G. Ivashentsov. New Dehli, 2014. 128 p.

- Pamela. By S. Richardson. Bestellery XVII v.: Pamela. Shel'mela. St. Petersburg, 2013. Part 1 pp. 40-524; Part 2 pp.7-200.

- Nastignutye stydom. By D. Martinsen. Moscow, RGGU Publ., 2011.

Mednyi vsadnik. Pamiatnik i ego tvortsy. By A. Schenker. St. Petersburg, 2010.



- "Fyodor Dostoevsky, Richard Wagner, and Garci Rodriguez de Montalvo: The Ideas of Courtly Love". Mundo Eslavo, no. 16, 2017, pp. 138-146. In English.

- "Fyodor Dostoevsky and the contronym that was the Russian revolution". Studies in East European Thought, no. 69, 2017, pp. 277-286. In English.

- "Samuel Richardson’s translations and influence: 18th-21st centuries". Preklad a kultúra no. 5, 2015, pp. 51-58. In English.

- "Dostoevsky and Shakespeare: The Human Condition and the Human Ambition". Tekst. Kniga. Knigoizdanie, no. 1 (5), 2014, pp. 72-88. In English.

- "The Life and Times of Fyodor Dostoevsky: Realism in the Golden Age". Critical Insights. Russia’s Golden Age. Salem, 2013, pp. 156-171. In English.

- "F.M. Dostoevskii i Amerika: Roman G. Bicher-Stou 'Ol'dtounskie starozhily' i voprosy kal'vinistskoi teologii" ["Fyodor Dostoevsky and America: Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Oldtown Folks and Issues of Calvinist Theology"]. Dostoevskii i mirovaia kul'tura. Filologicheskii zhurnal, no. 2 (10), 2020, pp. 61-94. http://doi.org/10.22455/2619-0311-2020-2-61-94 In Russ.

- "Dialog i polemika Dostoevskogo s formal'nymi i naivnymi teologicheskimi vozzreniami" ["Dostoevsky's Dialogue and Polemic with Formal and Naïve Theological Beliefs"]. Dostoevskii i mirovaia kul'tura. Filologicheskii zhurnal, no. 2 (6), 2019, pp. 124-145. http://doi.org/10.22455/2619-0311-2019-2-124-145 In Russ.


Scopus, Web of Science, VAK

- "Pervoe sobornoe poslanie apostola Ioanna Bogoslova v mysli i tvorchestve F.M. Dostoevskogo" ["First Epistle of John in Fyodor Dostoevsky's Works and Thought"]. Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Seriia 9: Filologiia, no. 4, 2022, pp. 175-184. (In Russ.)

- "'Esli by matematicheski dokazali vam, chto istina vne Khrista...': problema istiny i zla u Dostoevskogo i Shekspira" ["'If It Were Mathematically Proved to You, That Truth Is Outside Christ...': Problem of Truth and Evil in the Works of Fyodor Dostoevsky and William Shakespeare"]. Filologicheskie nauki. Voprosy teorii i praktiki, vol. 14, no. 12, 2021, pp. 3639-3643. (in Russ.)


Teaching experience


Tatyana Kovalevskaya holds the following courses at the Russian State University for Humanities: "Translation from English"; "Literature of Great Britain" (inside the course "Historical Cultural Studies"), and courses of Russian literature for foreign students (in English).