

Author: Pavel E. Fokin
Information about the author:

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Head of the Department “Memorial flat of F.M. Dostoevsky” at V.I. Dal State Museum of the History of Russian Literature (Moscow).

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Author 2: Ilya O. Boretsky
Information about the author 2:

the curator of handwritten objects of V.I. Dal State Museum of the History of Russian Literature (Moscow).

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For citation:

Fokin P.E., Boretsky I.O. The First Production of F.M. Dostoevsky’s Novel Crime and Punishment on the Stage of the Parisian Théâtre de l’Odéon in the Assessment of Russian Correspondents (Based on the materials of the collection of A.G. Dostoevskaya). Dostoevsky and World Culture, Philological journal, 2019, No 3(7), pp. 186-209.

Issue: 2019 № 3(7)
Pages: 186-209
UDK: 82-2+070.447
BBK: 85.334+76.0
Keywords: Dostoevsky, Paul Ginisty, Hugues Le Roux, Paul Mounet, Crime and Punishment, Théâtre de l'Odéon, Russian periodicals of the 19th century, collection of A.G. Dostoevsky.

Abstract: The article presents the reports of the St. Petersburg newspapers Novosti i Birzevaya Gazeta, Grazhdanin, Novoe vremia, Russkie vedomosti about the premiere of the play Crime and Punishment in the Parisian Théâtre de l'Odéon on 15th and 16th September 1888. The performance played a role in the development of the aesthetics of the “new theater” in France and became the first theatrical interpretation of F.M. Dostoevsky’s novel in the history. The article analyzes the reaction of the Russian reviewers to the performance and the evaluation of the play by French playwrights P. Ginisty and J. Le Roux that carried out the dramatization of the novel. Using the materials of newspaper publications, the general reconstruction of the play is carried out.



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