

Author: Olga О. Yuryeva
Information about the author:

DSc in Philology, Professor, Department of Philology and Methodology, Pedagogical Institute, Irkutsk State University, Suhe-Bator 9, 664003 Irkutsk, Russia.

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For citation:

Yureva, O.Yu. “The Return of The Adolescent.” Dostoevsky and World Culture. Philological journal, no. 1 (17), 2022, pp. 180–209. (In Russ.)

Received: 21 Sept. 2021
Published: 25 Mar. 2022
Issue: 2022 no. 1 (17)
Pages: 180-209
UDK: 821.161.1.0
BBK: 83.3(2=411.2)
Keywords: F.M. Dostoevsky, The Adolescent, system of images, idea of the hero.
Abstract: The review is dedicated to a new collective work devoted to the study of Dostoevsky’s novel The Adolescent. This unique publication presents articles by Russian and foreign scholars that reflect the main trends in the perception and interpretation of the novel, and questions concerning textual studies. This fundamental work will determine the orientations of the critical literature about the novel for many decades.


1. Kasatkina, T.A., editor. Roman F.M. Dostoevskogo "Podrostok": sovremennoe sostoianie izucheniia [Dostoevsky's Novel The Adolescent: Current State of Research]. Moscow, IWL RAS Publ., 2021. 864 p. (In Russ.)