D.Sc. in Philology

Ph.D. in History


RAS Scholar

Member of the Moscow Writers' Union

Vice-President of the Russian PEN Centre

President of Dostoevsky's Fund, Vice-President of Dostoevsky International Society

Member of the Council for the Russian Language under the President of the Russian Federation

Author and host of the intellectual program The Glass Bead Game with Igor Volgin on the TV channel Russia K


Selected Works


Poslednii god Dostoevskogo [The Last Year of Dostoevsky]. Moscow, AST Publ., 2017. 780 p. In Russ.

- Rodit'sia v Rossii. Dostoevskii: nachalo nachal [To Be Born in Russia. Dostoevsky: The Beginning of Beginnings]. Moscow, Akademicheskii proekt Publ., 2018. 749 p. In Russ.

Nichei sovremennik. Chetyre kruga Dostoevskogo [No Jne's Contemporary. Dostoevsky's Four Circles]. Moscow, Nestor-Istoriia Publ., 2018. 568 p. In Russ.

Strannyie sblizheni'ia. Natsional'naia zhizn' kak literaturnyi siuzhet [Strange Convergences. National Life as a Literary Subject]. Moscow, Akademicheskii proekt Publ., 2019. 636 p. In Russ.

- Propavshii zagovor. Dostoevskii: Doroga na eshafot [The Missed Conspirancy. Dostoevsky: The Road to the Scaffold]. Moscow, Akademicheskii proekt, 2017. 869 p. In Russ.



- "Retsenziia na bibliografiiu F.M. Dostoevskogo" ["A Review on Dostoevsky's Bibliography"]. Voprosy filosofii, no. 7, 1969, pp. 165-169. In Russ.

- "Dostoevskii i tsarksaia tsenzura: K istorii izdaniia 'Dnevnika pisatelia'" ["Dostoevsky and the Tsar's Censorship: About the History of the Publication of A Writer's Diary"]. Russkaia literatura, no. 4, 1970, pp. 106-120. In Russ.

- "Pis'ma chitatelei k F.M. Dostoevskomy" ["The Readers' Letters to Fyodor Dostoevsky"]. Voprosy literatury, no. 9, 1971, pp. 173-196. In Russ.

- "Nravstvennye osnovy publitsistiki Dostoevskogo: Vostochnyi vopros v 'Dnevnike pisatelia'" ["The Moral Foundations of Dostoevsky's Journalism: The Eastern Question in A Writer's Diary"]. Izvestiia AN SSSR. Seriia literatury i iazyka, issue 4, vol. XXX, 1971, pp. 349-362. In Russ.

- "Dostoevskii i russkoe obshchestvo" ["Dostoevsky and the Russian Society"]. Russkaia literatura, no. 3, 1976, pp. 123-143. In Russ.

- Volgin, I.L., and Narinskii, M.M. "'Razvenchannaia ten''. Dialog o Dostoevskom, Napoleone i napoleonskom mife" ["'The Shadow Unmasked'. A Dialogue on Dostoevsky, Napoleon and the Napoleonic Myth"]. Metamorfosy Evropy [The Metamorphoses of Europe], Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1993, pp. 127-164. In Russ.

- "Zametki na poliakh stat'i N.N. Bogdanova i A.I. Rogovogo (pis'mo avtoram)" ["Notes on the Margins of an Article by N.N. Bogdanov and A.I. Rogovoy (A Letter to the Authors)"]. Dostoevskii i mirovaia kul'tura. Al'manakh, no. 20, 2005, pp. 295-299. In Russ.

- "Liprandi i Dubel't. K razgadke odnogo politicheskogo protsessa" ["Liprandi and Dubelt. Towards the Unravelling of one Political Process"]. Seans, no. 23/24, 2005, pp. 205-214. In Russ.

- "Ischeznovenie Dostoevskogo" ["Dostoevsky's Disappearance"]. Literaturnaia gazeta, no. 48 (6048), 23-29 nov., 2005, p. 15. In Russ.

- "K istorii roda Dostoevskogo" ["About the History of the Dostoevsky Family"]. Dostoevskii F.M., Polnoe Sobranie Sochinenii: v 18 tomakh [Dostoevsky F.M., Complete Works in 18 vols], vol. 18, Moscow, Voskresenie Publ., 2005, pp. 152-259. In Russ.