D.Sc. in Philology
Leading Researcher, Department of Russian Literature of the Late 19th – Early 20th Century
Member of the International Dostoevsky Society (from June 2010)
Ph.D. Thesis: Dostoevsky the Novelist in 1860s and the Tradition of Natural School (the Transformation of the Conflict between "Man and Environment") (IWL RAS, 1989)
Dr.Hab. Thesis: The Tradition of Dostoevsky's "Ideological Novel" in the Russian Prose of the Late 19th – Early 20th Century (IWL RAS, 2009)
Research interests: Russian Literature of the Late 19th – Early 20th Century, Dostoevsky, Silver Age of Russian Literature.
Selected Works:
- Pod sozvesdiiem Dostoevskogo. Khudozhestvennaia proza rubezha XIX - XX vekov v aspekte zhanrovoi poetiki russkoi klassicheskoi literatury [Under the Constellation of Dostoevsky. Artistic Prose between 19th and 20th Century in the Aspect of the Poetics of Genres of Russian Classical Literature.] Moscow, 2008. (In Russ.) ISBN 978-5-903955-03-9
- Russkaia literatura XIX-XX vekov. Russkaia literatura kak religioznyi fenomen: ychebno-metodicheskoe posobie dlia studentov vuzov [Russian Literature of the 19th and 20th Century. Russian Literature as a Religious Phenomenon: Textbook for University Students.] Moscow, 2008. (In Russ.) ISBN 978-5-904080-01-3
- Russkaia proza kontsa XX - nachala XXI veka. Osnovnye tendentsii: Uchebnoe posobie dlia studentov-filologov [Russian Prose of the 19th - Early 20th Century. Main trends: Textbook for Students of Philology.] St. Petersburg, 2013. (In Russ.) ISBN 978-5-9676-0566-6
Scopus, Web of Science
- "Russko-iaponskaia voina i novoe osmyslenie naslediia Dostoevskogo" ["The Russo-Japanese War and a New Understanding of Dostoevsky's Inheritance"]. Novyi Filologicheskii vestnik, no. 2 (61), 2022, pp. 109–119. (In Russ.)
- "'I v grob skhodia...': o vstreche Dostoevskogo s Merezhkovskim v 1880 g." ["'And Going Down to the Coffin…': on Dostoevsky’s Meeting with Merezhkovsky in 1880"]. Neizvestnyi Dostoevskii, vol. 9, no. 1, 2022, pp. 38–60. (In Russ.) DOI: 10.15393/j10.art.2022.5921
- "Russkaia literaturnaia usad'ba XIX-XX vv.: teoreticheskii aspekt issledovanii" ["Russian Estate in 19th-20th Century: Theoretical Aspect of Research"]. Mundo Eslavo, no. 19, 2020, pp. 89-102 (In Russ.)
- "T.A. Kasatkina. Dostoevsky kak filosof i bogoslov: khudozhestvennyi sposob vyskazyvaniia: Monografia. M: Volodei, 2019. 336 s. Retsenziia" ["Review to:T.A. Kasatkina. Dostoevsky kak filosof i bogoslov: khudozhestvennyi sposob vyskazyvaniia. Moscow, Volodei, 2019."] Voprosy literatury, no. 4, 2020, pp. 282-288. (In Russ.)
- "Russkaia literaturnaia usad'ba XIX-XX vv.: teoreticheskii aspekt issledovanii" ["Russian Literary Estate in 19th and 20th Century: Theoretical Aspect of Research."] Mundo Eslavo (Ispaniia), no. 19, 2020, pp. 89-102. (In Russ.)
- "'Nezolotaia starina': opyt negativnoi retseptsii 'usadebnoi kul'tury' na rubezhe XIX-XX vv." ["'Not-good Old Days': An Experience of Negative Reception of the Estate Culture Between 19th and 20th Centuries."] Studia Litterarum, vol. 5, no. 3, 2020, pp. 252-269. (In Russ.)
- "Usad'ba i derevnia v rasskaze G.I. Chulkova 'Kracnyi zherebets" ["Estate and Countryside in G.I. tale 'The Red Horse'."] Novyi filologicheskii vestnik, no. 1 (52), 2020, pp. 97-106. (In Russ.)
- "'Geterotopiia usad'by v romane Z.N. Gippius 'Roman-Tsarevich' (1913)" ["'Heterotopia of the Estate' in Z.N. Gippius' Novel 'Roman-Tsarevich' (1931)."] Problemy istoricheskoi poetiki, vol. 18, no. 1, 2020, pp. 294-192. (In Russ.)
- "Issledovateli Dostoevskogo v SSSR 1920-1930-kh gg.: nauchnoe soobshchestvo vs liminal'naia gruppa" ["Dostoevsky's Scholars in USSR during 1920s and 1930s: Academic Community vs. Liminal Groups."] Novyi filologicheskii vestnik, no. 3 (50), 2019, pp. 283-294. (In Russ.)
- "Transformacija 'vlasteoskog imanja' u ruskoj književnosti od 1910-ih do 1920-ih godinaс ["Transformation of the 'Estate Topos' in Russian Literature of the 1910s and 1920s"]. [sic] a journal of literature, culture, and literary translation. Future insights, no. 2, Year 9, 06/2019. Pub. 4. (In Croatian)
- "Semiotika allei, 'gde kruzhat listy': Turgenev, Gumilev, Bunin" [The Semiotics of the Alley, 'Where the Leaves Circle': Turgenev, Gumilev, Bunin."] Problemy istoricheskoi poetiki, vol. 17, no. 2, 2019, pp. 233-254. (In Russ.)
- "Obraz usad'by-muzeia v russkoi literature 1920-kh gg." ["The Image of the Estate-Museum in 1920s Russian Literature."] Studia Litterarum, vol. 4, no. 2, 2019, pp. 190-205. (In Russ.)
Teaching Experience
In the 1990s, Olga Bogdanova taught at the preparatory courses of the Lomonosov Moscow State University. In 1995-1997 she taught at St. Andrew's Biblical Theological Institute. In 1997-2010 she taught at the Russian-American Institute (RAI), formerly the Russian-American Christian Institute (RACI): "Russian Literature of the 19th-20th Centuries", "Russian Literature as a Religious Phenomenon", "Introduction to World Literature", "Foreign Literature of the 19th-20th Centuries", "Comparative Literary Studies", "Literary Genres", "Cultural Studies", "National History". From 2010 to 2013 she was a professor at the Pushkin State Institute of the Russian Language (State Institute), where she taught general courses of 19th- and 20th-Century Russian literature and modern Russian literature (from 1990s to 2010s), as well as special courses "Estate Culture in the Russian Literature of the 19th and Early 20th Centuries", "Dostoevsky at the Turn of the 20th Century". Since 2020 she has been a professor in the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies at the Faculty of Theology at St. Tikhon Orthodox University.