D.Sc. in Philology
Associate Professor, Department of History of Russian Literature
Ph.D. Thesis: Forms of Confession in Dostoevsky's Novels (1996)
Dr. Hab. Thesis: Subjectology of Dostoevsky's Novels (2017)
Research interests: Dostoevsky, Tyutchev, Chekhov, Pushkin, Problems of Poetics in Russian Novels, Comparative Literature: Interaction between Russian and European Literature.
Selected works
- Ispoved' podpolnogo cheloveka. K antropologii F.M. Dostoevskogo [The Confession of the Man from the Underground. About Fyodor Dostoevsky's Anthropology]. Moscow, 2001. In Russ.
- Siuzhetologiia romanov F.M. Dostoevskogo [Subjectology of Dostoevsky's Novels]. Moscow, 2017. In Russ.
- "Problema 'vyrozhdeniia' u Chekhova i Maksa Nordau" ["The Problem of 'Degeneration' in Chekhov and Max Nordau"]. Chekhov i Germaniia, Moscow, 1996.
- "Pushkin i Zhul' Zhanen" ["Pushkin and Jules Janin"]. Rossiiskii literaturovedcheskii zhurnal, no. 8, 1996.
- "Dostojevskij in Rußland heute". (Vortrag in den Rahmen Studium generale). F.M. Dostojewski Dichter, Denker, Visionär. Tübingen, 1998.
- "O printsipe postroeniia sistemy personazhei 'Malen'kikh tragedii' Pushkina" [About the Constructive Principle of the Characters in Pushkin's 'Little Tragedies'"]. Pushkin i russkaia dramaturgiia, Moscow, 2000.
- "Tema rytsarstva v lirike A. Bloka v ee sviazi s tvorchestvom R. Vagnera" ["The Theme of Chivarly in A. Blok's Lyric and Its Relation with Wagner's Works"]. Rikhard Vagner v Rossii, Tübingen, 2001.
- "O spetsifike vizual'nogo mira i semantike videnii v romane Dostoevskogo 'Idiot'" ["About the Peculiarities of the Visual World and the Semantic of Seeing in Dostoevsky's Novel The idiot"]. Roman Dostoevskogo "Idiot": sovremennoe sostoianie izucheniia, Moscow, 2001.
- "Obraz Khromonozhki v perspektive motivnoi struktury romanov Dostoevskogo" [The Image of the Lame Woman in the Perspective of the Structure of Motifs in Dostoevsky's Novels]. Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Ser. 9, Filologiia, no. 3, 2010.
- "Romanticheskie motivy v poeme Nekrasova 'Moroz, Krasnyi nos'" ["Romantic Motifs in Nekrasov's Poem 'Frost, Red Nose'"]. Pamiati Anny Invanovny Zhuravlevoi, Moscow, 2012.