D.Sc. in Philology
Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (since May 30, 1997)
Head of the Department of Contemporary Russian Literature and Literature of the Russian Diaspora IWL RAS
Education: Komsomol'sky-Na-Amure Pedagogical Institute (1994); A.I. Hertzen LGPI Doctoral School.
Ph.D. Thesis: Philosophical Quest and Artistic Specificity of Andrey Platonov's Work (1979)
Dr.Hab. Thesis: The History of the Text and Andrey Platonov’s Biography (1992)
Research interests: History of 20th-Century Russian Literature, Textual Criticism and Source Studies.
Professional services:
Head of the Expert Committee in Philology and Art studies, Russian Humanities Fund (2011–2016).
Member of the Higher Attestation Committee of Russia (since 2016)
Member of the Writers' Union of Russia and of the Editorial Board of the series Literaturnye pamiatniki (since 1999)
Awards and Distinctions
Prizewinner of the journals Moskva and Oktyabr’, and awarded the prize "Tradition" of Russian Writers' Union.
Selected Publications
Curatorial Works
- "Strana filosofof" Andreia Platonova: problemy tvorchestva ["Country of Philosophers" by Andrey Platonov: Problems of Artistic Work]. Issue 8. Eds. N.V. Kornienko, M.V. Bogomolova, E.A. Rozhentseva. Moscow, IWL RAS Publ., 2017. 656 p. In Russ.
- Platonov, A. Sochineniia. Tom vtoroi: 1926-1927. Povesti, rasskazy, stsenarii, stat'i [Works. Vol. 2: 1926-1927. Short Stories, Tales, Sceneries, Articles]. Ed. by N.V. Kornienko. Moscow, IWL RAS Publ., 2016. 868 p. In Russ.
- Ivanov Vs. Tainoe Tainykh. Rasskazy i povesti. Pis'ma [The Mystery of Mysteries. Tales and Short Stories. Letters]. Ed. by N.V. Kornienko. Novosibirsk, Svinin i synov'ia, 2015. 398 p. In Russ.
Scopus, Web of Science
- "Andrey Platonov’s Wartime Stories: The Historical Dynamics of Reception." Russian Literature, vol. 73, 2013, pp. 133–162. In Russ.
- "A.P. Platonov's Archives as a Cultural Phenomenon." Herald of the Russian Academy of Science, vol. 78, 2008, pp. 215–221. In Russ.
- "Birth of a Masterpiece ('Motherland of Electricity'): Metamorphoses of a Platonov's Text of 1930." Essays in Poetics, vol. 27, 2002, pp. 18–32. In Russ.