

Author: Valentina V. Borisova
Information about the author:

DSc in Philology, Leading Researcher, “Fyodor Dostoevsky’s Memorial Apartment,” Vladimir Dahl State Museum of the History of Russian Literature, Trubnikovsky Lane, 17, 121069 Moscow, Russia; professor, Moscow State Linguistic University, Ostozhenka St., 38/1, 119034 Moscow, Russia; Сhief Researcher, M. Akmullah Bashkir State Pedagogical University, Oktiabrskaia revoliutsiia St., 3A, 450008 Ufa, Russia.

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For citation:

Borisova, V.V. “What Difference Does the Microanalysis of a Literary Text Reveal in the Attitudes of the Author and the Protagonist Toward Mohammed? (Using the Example of the Novel Crime and Punishment).” Dostoevsky and World Culture. Philological journal, no. 3 (27), 2024, pp. 177–190. (In Russ.) 

Received: 14 Apr. 2024
Published: 25 Sept. 2024
Issue: 2024 no. 3 (27)
Pages: 177-190

UDK: 821.161.1.0+28
BBK: 83.3(2=411.2)
Keywords: Dostoevsky, Crime and Punishment, microanalysis of a text, Christ and Mohammed, Raskolnikov’s “error.”
Abstract: The article applies the principles of microanalysis to a literary text using Crime and Punishment as an example. Through this lens, Raskolnikov’s “mistake” is revealed, specifically his historical “look back” at the great “founders and legislators of mankind.” Understanding Dostoevsky’s work also requires consideration of the context of Sacred History, which is equally important. The historical and value hierarchies of these contexts are shaped by the differing positions of the author and the protagonist in relation to the figure of Mohammed. Mohammed’s image, which simultaneously enters the perspectives of both the author and the protagonist, takes on different axiological meanings, particularly when compared with Christ: it is elevated in the author’s view and diminished in the protagonist’s. Raskolnikov’s “mistake” is intentionally “corrected” by the author, as evidenced by shifts in the stylistic register, changes in modality, and the distinctive use of quotations, keywords, and details, along with “plot criticism” of the protagonist. A microanalysis (including graphic and punctuation considerations) of the “strange” statement made by a Russian Orthodox student about Allah and his prophet reveals two levels of intertextual citation in the passage, aligning with both the author’s and the protagonist’s perspectives. Within the novel, the series of lawmakers and founders of humanity identified by Raskolnikov (Lycurgus, Solon, Mohammed, Napoleon) is replaced by another sequence (Abraham, Christ, Mohammed). This shift highlights Dostoevsky’s vivid exploration of the genealogical and spiritual connections among the Abrahamic religions and their prophets within the context of Sacred History. Without considering this religious genealogy, an adequate interpretation of Raskolnikov’s final vision of the “bosom of Abraham” is impossible. As he contemplates the “paradise valley,” the novel’s protagonist, like the prudent thief, finds himself alongside the forefather.


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Reference list of video entries

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