

Author: Tatyana G. Magaril-Il’yaeva
Information about the author:

Associate Researcher at theAssociate Researcher at theCentre “Dostoevsky and World Culture”, Gorky Institute of World Literature RAS,Moscow.

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For citation:

Magaril-Il’yaeva T.G. The Motif of Changing a Flat in F.M. Dostoevsky’sMagaril-Il’yaeva T.G. The Motif of Changing a Flat in F.M. Dostoevsky’sTexts: From Early Works to the Novel The Insulted and the Injured. Dostoevskyand World Culture, Philological journal, 2019, No 4(8), pp. 112-132

Issue: 2019 №4 (8)
Pages: 112-132
UDK: 82+821.161.1
BBK: 83+83.3(2=411.2)
Keywords: F.M. Dostoevsky’s early works, motif of changing a flat, the story “The Landlady”, the novel White Nights, the novel The Insulted and the Injured.


Abstract: The article examines one of the most important motifs inAbstract: The article examines one of the most important motifs inF.M. Dostoevsky’s early works, the motif of moving flats. The central point ofalmost all Dostoevsky’s early works, both on the plot level and the symbolical oneis the opening of the characters’ heart so that all their life is dramatically changed.It is remarkable that in some early works characters owning a potentially feelingheart experience its opening/revelation in an unusual place – some “blacker” flat.Moreover, they are looking for it themselves often leaving their better dwelling. Thisturn of the plot can be found in White Nights, “An Honest Thief”, and it is speciallyaccented by the writer in “The Landlady” and The Insulted and the Injured, also bymeans of placing it in the beginning of the story. Every flat like that, in Dostoevsky’sartistic world, has a landlady, and meeting her appears to be the pivotal momentin the heroes’/tenants’ life because this acquaintance reaches their hearts allowingthem to revive and expose themselves.



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