

Author: Tatiana G. Magaril-Iliaeva
Information about the author:

Associate Researcher, Centre “Dostoevsky and World Culture”, A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Povarskaya 25 a, 121069 Moscow, Russia.

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For citation:

Magaril-Iliaeva, T.G. “Fyodor Dostoevsky’s ‘A Little Hero’ as an Initiatory Text.” Dostoevsky and World Culture. Philological journal, no. 2 (18), 2022, pp. 18–39. (In Russ.)

Received: 21 Mar. 2022
Published: 25 June 2022
Issue: 2022 no. 2 (18)
Pages: 18-39

UDK: 821.161.1.0
BBK: 83.3(2=411.2)
Keywords: Dostoevsky, “A Little Hero”, initiatory text, the hero’s path, true nature of man, memories, Goethe, Tasso, Titian.
Abstract: The article analyses Dostoevsky’s short story “A Little Hero”, the only literary work written during the author’s imprisonment in the Peter and Paul Fortress. The article shows how the essence of this work is to be an initiatory text, describing the hero’s step-by-step journey to gain his true spiritual nature. The main character of the story starts his path as a child for whom there is no place, with whom anyone can play as if he was a doll, and eventually becomes the one that is recognized as a knight who gained is place in the world, the one who has the power to revive the heart of the main female character, m-me M., and what is more important, the one who as a result of all his deeds has seen into his own true nature. The article demonstrates that through architectonics and carefully chosen details and images Dostoevsky relates his story to several European texts where the path to acquiring man’s spiritual nature is told symbolically, i.e. texts, that are in essence initiatory: Goethe’s novel Wilhelm Meister’s Apprenticeship and Tasso’s poem Jerusalem Delivered. The article also identifies several semantic and symbolic coincidences with Titian’s painting Sacred and Profane Love.


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2. Dostoevskii, F.M. Polnoe sobranie sochinenii: v 30 tomakh [Complete Works: in 30 vols]. Leningrad, Nauka Publ., 1972–1990. (In Russ.)

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7. Kempbell, Dzh. Tysiachelikii geroi [The Thousand-Faced Hero]. St. Petersburg, Piter Publ., 2018. 352 p. (In Russ.)

8. Magaril-Il’iaeva, T.G. “'Malen’kii geroi': vospominanie, kak put’ k prozreniiu sobstvennoi prirody” [“'A Little Hero': Memory as a Way to Insight into One’s Own Nature”]. Dostoevskii i mirovaia kul’tura. Al’manakh, 2018, no. 36, pp. 32–46. (In Russ.)

9. Tasso, T. Osvobozhdennyi Ierusalim [Jerusalem Delivered]. Trans. by V.S. Likhachev. St. Petersburg, Nauka Publ., 2007. URL: Accessed 19 Jan. 2022. (In Russ.)

10. Goethe, J.W. Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre. URL: Accessed 19 Jan. 2022. (In German)

11. Jérusalem délivrée: Poëme, Traduit de l’italien, Nouvelle edition revue et corrigée, Enrichie de la Vie du Tasse. Vol. II. Paris, 1803. URL: Accessed 19 Jan. 2022. (In French)