Ph.D. in Philology

Director of the State Literary Museum V.I. Dal'.

Professor of the Russian State University for Humanities


Ph.D. Thesis: The Creative Reflection in the Literary Work: Structure and Function (1991)


Research interests: History of classic Russian literature and literary criticism, Contemporary Russian poetry and prose, History of Russian education, Arseny Tarkovsky's creative heritage.


Professional services:

Member of the Writers' Union (1995)

Member of the Journalists' Union (1997)

Member of the Academy of Russian literature (Vice President in 2000-2001)

Member of the Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES)

Member of the Awards Committees for the Award "Apollon Grigorev" (2001); Russian national award "Poet" (from 2005), "Russian Booker" (2006), and others.


Selected Works



- Istoriia i teoriia literaturnogo samosoznaniia: Tvorcheskaia refleksiia v literaturnom proizvedenii [History and Theory of the Literary Identity. The Creative Reflection in the Literary Work]Kemerovo, KemGU Publ., 1992. 82 p. In Russ.



- "Istoriia literatury i literaturni muzei: zakonomernosti vzaimodeistviia." ["History of Literature and Literary Museums: Patterns of Collaborations"] Rol' muzeev v informacionnom obespechenii istoricheskoj nauki [The Role of Museums in the Support of Information for Historical Sciences], Collected Articles, ed. by E.A. Vorontsov, L.I. Borodkin, A.D. Janovsky, Moscow, 2015, pp. 487–492. In Russ.
- "'Pozhiznennoe detstvo': poeziia i pravda Igoria Melameda" ["'A Lifelong Childhood': Poetry and Truth in Igor Melamed"]. Melamed I. Arfa serafima: Stikhotvoreniia i perevody [Melamed I. The Harp of the Seraphim. Verses and Translations], Moscow, OGI Publ., 2015, pp. 5–27. In Russ.
- "Mezhdu Volgoi i Visloi: pol'sko-russkii vzgliad" ["Between Volga and Visla: a Russian-Polish View"]. Pshebinda G. Mezhdu Krakovom, Rimom i Moskvoi: avtorizovannye perevody s pol'skogo [Przebinda G. Between Cracow, Rome, and Moscow: Authorized Translations from Polish], ed. by Ja. Okhon'ko, introduction by D. Baka, Moscow, RGGU, 2013, pp. 8–9. In Russ.
- "Kaleidoskopy pamiati" ["Kaleidoscopic Memory"]. Novyj mir, no. 8, 2013, pp. 194–197. With T.V. Solov'eva. In Russ.
- "Sto poetov nachala stoletiia (Vyp. 23)" ["A Hundred Poets of the Beginning of Century. Issue 23"]. Oktiabr', no. 1, 2012, pp. 162–173. In Russ.
- "Sto poetov nachala stoletiia (Vyp. 24)" ["A Hundred Poets of the Beginning of Century. Issue 24"]. Oktiabr', no. 2, 2012, pp. 173–182. In Russ.
- "Sto poetov nachala stoletiia (Vyp. 25)" ["A Hundred Poets of the Beginning of Century. Issue 25"]. Oktiabr', no. 4, 2012, pp. 148–168. In Russ.
- "'Edinstvo i tesnota': vozvrashhenie k voprosu o kompozitsii romana B. Pasternaka 'Doktor Zhivago'" ["'Unity and Closesness': Returning to the Question about the Composition of B. Pasternak's Novel Doctor Zhivago"]. Russkaia literatura XX veka: Itogi stoletiia [Russian Literature of the 20th Century. Outcomes of the Century], Saint Petersburg, 2001, pp. 7–8. In Russ.
- "Problemy tvorchestva i obraz khudozhnika v romane I.A. Goncharova 'Obryv'" ["Creative Problems and the Image of the Artist in I.A. Goncharev's Novel The Precipice"]. Traditsii i novatorstvo v russkoi klassicheskoi literature. Gogol'. Dostoevskii [Traditions and Innovation in Classic Russian Literature. Gogol'. Dostoevsky], Saint Petersburg, 1992, pp. 113–123. In Russ.
- "Neformal'nyi metod v literaturovedenii (K probleme vnenakhodimosti literaturoveda)" ["Informal Method in Literary Criticism (about the Question of the Outsideness of the Literary Critic"]. Bakhtinskij sbornik, Issue 2, 1991, pp. 243–264. In Russ.
- "K voprosu o poeticheskoi evoliutsii Mandel'shtama: Tema khudozhestvennogo tvorchestva" ["About the Question of Mandel'shtam's Poetic Evolution: The Theme of Artistic Creation"]. Tvorchestvo Mandel'shtama i voprosy istoricheskoi poetiki [Mandel'shtam's Work and Questions of Historical Poetics], Kemerovo, KemGU Publ., 1990, pp. 24–31. In Russ.


Scopus, Web of Sciences

- "Proekt izdaniia entsiklopedii 'Literaturnye muzei Rossii' i novye algoritmy raboty seti rossiiskikh literaturnykh muzeev" ["The Publishing Project of an Ecyclopedia of Literary Museums in Russia and New Algorithms for the Work of the Network of Russian literary Museums"]. Dialog so vremenem, no. 52, 2015, pp. 223–226. In Russ.
- "Literaturovedenie kak provokatsiia chteniia: est' li avtor u istorii literatury?" ["Literary Criticism as a Provocation to Read: Is There an Author for the History of Literature?"]. Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, no. 59, 2003, p. 6. In Russ.
- "Ivan Goncharov v sovremennykh issledovaniiakh" ["Ivan Goncharov in Contemporary Research"]. Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, no. 17, 1996, pp. 364–369. In Russ.