

Author: Liudmila I. Saraskina
Information about the author:

DSc in Philology, Leading Researcher, State Institute for Art Studies, Kozitskii Lane, 5, 125009 Moscow, Russia.

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For citation:

Saraskina, L.I. “Lev Myshkin and Sonya Marmeladova in a PostApocalyptic World. Vyacheslav Butusov’s Fantasies on Dostoevsky.” Dostoevsky and World Culture. Philological journal, no. 3 (27), 2024, pp. 228–252. (In Russ.)

Received: 30 May 2024
Published: 25 Sept. 2024
Issue: 2024 no. 3 (27)
Pages: 228-252

UDK: 821.161.1.0
BBK: 83.3(2=411.2)
Keywords: Dostoevsky, The Idiot, Vyacheslav Butusov, song, animated clip, image of the world, apocalypse, prince Myshkin, revolt, patriot without a fatherland, cyberpunk, fantastic tales.
Abstract: The paper analyzes the artistic impact of Dostoevsky’s novel The Idiot on Vyacheslav Butusov, Vladimir Ponomaryov, and Konstantin Komardin, the creators of an animated music video. The soundtrack for the video is The Idiot, a musical composition by musician and poet Vyacheslav Butusov. The song explores a symbolic night for humanity, populated by weak and destitute individuals who have lost their footing and forgotten the meaning of life. The video (2020) is richer in characters, events, and content than the song (2019). The world depicted in the animation is terrifying, with extraordinary actions and an overwhelming visual sequence. It portrays a world under attack by forces of evil and overrun by cyborg killers, not just in an apocalyptic Saint Petersburg but across the entire planet. The video employs a wellknown narrative motif: a conflict between an author and one of their characters within a work of art. Often, if a character’s fate is secure and fortunate, readers lose interest. Understanding the narrative’s need for engagement, the writer complicates the plot, intensifies the drama, and subjects the character to extreme cruelty. Upon realizing the author’s radical intentions, the character decides to take control of their own destiny. This rebellion may even lead to an attempt on the author’s life. The animated clip illustrates such an incident, where Prince Myshkin, a fictional character, revolts against his creator, the writer Dostoevsky.


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Internet Sources

1. Butusov, V. “Tekst pesni ‘Kryl’ia’” [“Text of the Song Wings”]., 1995. Available at: (Accessed 03 Mar. 2024) (In Russ.)

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Reference list of video entries

1. Brat [Brother]. Directed by Aleksei Balabanov, 1997. (In Russ.)

2. Butusov, V. Ya khochu byt’ s toboi [I Want to be With You]. Videoclip. Available at: (08 Apr. 2024) (In Russ.) (Accessed 08 Apr. 2024)

3. Butusov, V., and “Orden Slavy”. Idiot [The Idiot]. Videoclip. Available at: (Accessed 04 May 2024) (In Russ.)