

Author: Vladimir A. Victorovich
Information about the author:

Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Literature at the Kolomna State University of Humanities and Social Studies (Kolomna).

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Author 2: Albina S. Bessonova
Information about the author 2:

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Leading Research Associate at the Kolomna State University of Humanities and Social Studies (Kolomna).

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For citation:

Bessonova A.S., Victorovich V.A. VII Summer Readings in Darovoye. Dostoevsky and World Culture, Philological journal, 2020, No 1(9), pp.201-255.

Issue: 2020 № 1(9)
Pages: 201-255
UDK: 821.161.1
BBK: 83.3(2РОС=РУС)
Keywords: reception history, understanding and interpretation, Dostoevsky's, Darovoe, estate, new archival documents, creating a Museum.
Abstract: The article presents an overview of the seventh edition of Darovoe Summer Readings, held in Zaraysk (Moscow region), and in Dostoevsky’s estate in the village of Darovoe. The Readings focused on two topics: the reception of Dostoevsky’s work, and the search for archival documents about the context of the early biography and the creative sources of the author of The Brothers Karamazov. The closing round table was dedicated to the perspective developments of the Museum in the land of the writer’s childhood.


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