Список литературы
1. Густафссон, 2014 – Густафссон Д. Блейк и православие // Язык. Словесность. Культура, 2014. № 1-2. С. 16-36.
2. Жид, 1994 – Жид А. Достоевский. Эссе. Томск: Водолей, 1994. 288 с.
3. Милош, 2018 – Милош Ч. Земля Ульро. СПб.: Издательство Ивана Лимбаха, 2018. 472 с.
4. Altizer, 1967 – Altizer Th. J. The Gospel of Christian Atheism. Collin, 1967. 157 p.
5. Caselli, 2009 – Caselli D. Improper Modernism: Djuna Barnes's Bewildering Corpus. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd, 2009. 290 p.
6. Colebrook, 2004 – Colebrook C. Irony. Routledge, 2004. 195 p.
7. Goddard, 1956 – Goddard H.C. Blake's Fourfold Vision. Wallingford, 1956. 33 p.
8. Gustafsson, 2015 – Gustafsson D. Spiritual freedom in Blake and Dostoevsky // Язык. Словесность. Культура, 2015. № 3. P. 25–48.
9. Lipski, 1973 – Lipski J.J. Expressionism in Poland // Expressionism as an International Literary Phenomenon: Twenty-one essays and a bibliography. John Benjamins Publishing, 1973. P. 299-314.
10. Milosz, 1975 – Milosz Ch. Dostoevsky and Swedenborg // Slavic Review, 1975. Vol. 34, No. 2. P. 302-318.
11 Rader, 1927 – Rader M. A Comparison of William Blake and Fyodor Dostoevsky. University of Washington, 1927. 348 p.
12. Rader, 1931 – Rader M. Dostoevsky and the Demiurge // The Sewanee Review, 1931. Vol. 39, No. 3. P. 282-292.
13. Rader, 1958 – Rader M. The Artist as Outsider // The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 1958. Vol. 16, No. 3. P. 306-318.
14. Wilson, 1956 – Wilson С. The Outsider. London: Pan books LTD, 1956. 340 p.