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Сфера научных интересов: Русская классика (Пушкин, Толстой, Достоевский), Михаил Бахтин, русская музыка, опера и театр.
Основные публикации
- Очерки по русской литературной и музыкальной культуре. Бостон: Academic Studies Press, 2019. 560 c.
- All the Same the Words Don’t Go Away (Essays on Authors, Heroes, Aesthetics, and Stage Adaptations from the Russian Tradition). Texts from 1988-2010, upgraded and edited with headnotes and postscripts; Introduction by David Bethea. Boston: Academic Studies Press, 2011. 422 p.
- The Cambridge Introduction to Russian Literature. Cambridge University Press, 2008. Translation into Chinese 2015.
- Chester Dunning with Caryl Emerson, Sergei Fomichev, Lidiia Lotman, and Antony Wood. The Uncensored Boris Godunov: A Case for Pushkin’s 1825 Original, with annotated text and translation. University of Wisconsin Press, 2006. [2 chapters authored, 2 co-authored]
- The Life of Musorgsky. Cambridge University Press "Musical Lives" series, 1999. Translation into Chinese 2001, into Italian 2006.
- The First Hundred Years of Mikhail Bakhtin. Princeton University Press, 1997. Translation into Portuguese 2002.
- Modest Musorgsky and Boris Godunov: Myths, Realities, Reconsiderations. (with Robert William Oldani), Cambridge University Press, 1994.
- Mikhail Bakhtin: Creation of a Prosaics (with Gary Saul Morson). Stanford University Press, 1990. Translation into Portuguese and Korean 2006.
- Boris Godunov: Transpositions of a Russian Theme. Indiana University Press, 1986.
- Čapek, Janáček, That Makropulos Thing, and a Word about Sacrificed Women in 20th century Slavic Opera // in Between Texts, Languages,and Cultures, a Festshrift for Michael Henry Heim / eds. Craig Cravens, Masako Fidler, and Susan Kresin. Slavica, 2008. Pp. 189-98.
- In Honor of Mikhail Gasparov’s Quarter-Century of Not Liking Bakhtin: Pro and Contra // in Poetics. Self. Place. Essays in Honor of Anna Lisa Crone / eds. Catherine O’Neil, Nicole Boudreau, & Sarah Krive. Slavica Publishers, 2007. Pp. 26-49.
- Двадцать пять лет спустя: Гаспаров о Бахтине // Вопросы литературы. 2006. Вып. 2. С. 12-47.
- Artur Vincent Lourié's 'Blackamoor of Peter the Great': Pushkin's Exotic Ancestor as Twentieth-Century Opera // in Under the Sky of my Africa: Alexander Pushkin and Blackness / eds. Catharine Theimer Nepomnyashchy et al. Northwestern University Press, 2006. Pp. 332-67.
- Shostakovich and the Russian Literary Tradition // Shostakovich and his World / ed. Laurel E. Fay. Bard Music Festival. Princeton University Press, 2004. Pp. 183-226.
- - "Our Everything": Review essay of recent (or reprinted) Pushkin biographies: T. J. Binyon. Pushkin: A Biography (2002), И.Сурат и С. Бочаров, Пушкин: Краткий очерк жизни и творчества (2002), Ариадна Тыркова-Вильямс, Жизнь Пушкина (1929 [v. 1], 1948 [v. II], Moscow repr. edition 2002), Феликс Раскольников, Статьи о русской литературе, Часть I: Пушкин. (2002) in Slavic and East European Journal. 2004. vol. 48: 1. Pp. 77-97
- Zosima's 'Mysterious Visitor': Again Bakhtin on Dostoevsky, and Dostoevsky on Heaven and Hell // A New Word on The Brothers Karamazov / Ed. Robert Louis Jackson. Northwestern University Press, 2003. Pp. 155-79.
- Tolstoy versus Dostoevsky and Bakhtin’s Ethics of the Classroom." in Approaches to Teaching Anna Karenina, edited by Liza Knapp and Amy Mandelker. Modern Language Association Publications, 2003. Pp. 104-16.
- Tolstoy's Aesthetics // Cambridge Companion to Tolstoy / Ed. Donna Tussing Orwin. Cambridge University Press, 2002. Pp. 237-51.
- Coming to Terms with Bakhtin's Carnival: Ancient, Modern, Sub Specie Aeternitatis / Bakhtin and the Classics / Ed. R. Bracht Branham. Northwestern University Press, 2001. Pp. 5-26.
- Bakhtin, Lotman, Vygotsky, and Lydia Ginzburg on Types of Selves: A Tribute // Self and Story in Russian History. Eds. Laura Engelstein and Stephanie Sandler. Cornell University Press, 2000. Pp. 20-45.
- Bakhtin After 1990: How Having the Early Writings in English Has Reconfigured the Whole // Festschrift for Vadim Liapunov Eds. Stephen H. Blackwell and Nina Perlina. Indiana Slavic Studies, 2000. Pp. 1-21.
Преподавательская деятельность
Профессор славянских языков и литератур и сравнительного литературоведения, Принстонский университет (1988-2015)
Доцент кафедры русской литературы Корнельского университета (1986-87)
Доцент кафедры русской литературы Корнельского университета (1980-86)
Доцент кафедры регионоведения России, Уиндхэм-колледж, Патни, Вашингтон (1972-76)
Преподаватель русского регионоведения, Уиндхемский колледж (1970-71)
Учитель американской истории, Средняя школа Лоренсвилля, Лоренсвилль, Нью-Джерси (1968-70)